===== Sheffield Boulders ===== These pages are a community resource documenting the various artificial boulders around Sheffield. They are generally located within parks and vary in sizes and styles, some squarely aimed at young children, others for dedicated climbers and a range in between. They are free for anyone to use and make a nice alternative to the wall whenever the weather is nice or there isn't time for a trip out to the [[wp>Peak District]] [[heeley:original|{{wiki:heeley_original.jpg}}]] ==== Grades ==== Whilst grade discussion can be a great source of contention entertainment, there is at present no attempt nor intention to incorporate grades for described problems at all. Go and try them, if you find them easy, great, if you have to work hard to get up them even better. If you work out a new problem please document it here. Worry about grades when its on real rock, these boulders are for fun and/or training so grades are somewhat irrelevant, just try hard and enjoy. Before delving into the topos it is worth reading [[topos:howto|how to use the topos]] so you can interpret them. ==== The Boulders ==== ~~ More examples: http://dokuwiki.org/plugin:openlayersmap 53.360865,-1.471382,0,0.8,peak.png,Heeley Boulder \\ internal link: [[::heeley:original|Heeley Original]] 53.3615301,-1.470808,0,0.8,peak.png,Heeley Boulder (Sheaf) \\ internal link:[[::heeley:sheaf|Heeley Boulder (Sheaf)]] 53.36989,-1.48410,0,0.8,peak.png,Cemetry Boulder (Vine Inn) \\ internal link: [[::cemetry:cemetery|Cemetery Boulder (Vine Inn)]] 53.372084,-1.471413,0,0.8,peak.png,St Mary's Boulder \\ internal link:[[::st_marys:st_marys|St Mary's Boulder]] 53.385183,-1.490581,0,0.8,peak.png,Ponderossa Boulder \\ internal link:[[::ponderosa:ponderosa|Ponderossa Boulder]] 53.39094,-1.421974,0,0.8,peak.png,Darnall Boulder \\ internal link:[[::darnall:darnall|Darnall Boulder]] 53.403884,-1.452545,0,0.8,peak.png,Osgathorpe Park, Fir Vale \\ internal link:[[::osgathrope:osgathorpe|Osgathorpe Park, Fir Vale]] 53.313758,-1.531185,0,0.8,peak.png,Green Oaks Park Bouldersw \\ internal link:[[::green_oaks:green_oaks|Green Oaks Park Boulders]] 53.358789,-1.405048,0,0.8,peak.png,Richmond Park Boulder \\ internal link:[[::richmond:richmond|Richmond Park Boulder]] 53.368671,-1.505942,0,0.8,peak.png,Endcliffe Park \\ internal link:[[::endcliffe:endcliffe|Endcliffe Park]] 53.396864,-1.49421,0,0.8,peak.png,Langsett Cresecent Park Boulder \\ internal link:[[::langsett:langsett|Langsett Cresecent Park Boulder]] 53.367346,-1.430116,0,0.8,peak.png,Queen Mary Road Park Boulders \\ internal link:[[::queen_mary:queen_mary|Queen Mary Road Park Boulders]] 53.37430,-1.49344,0,0.8,peak.png,Broomgrove Road Wall \\ internal link:[[::broomgrove:broomgrove|Broomgrove Road Wall]] 53.357647,-1.4542279,0,0.8,peak.png,Lichfield Road Boulder, Newfield Green \\ internal link:[[::lichfield:lichfield|Lichfield Road Boulder, Newfield Green]] * [[heeley:original|Heeley Boulder - Original]] * [[heeley:sheaf|Heeley Boulder - Sheaf]] * [[cemetry:cemetery|Cemetery Boulder]] * [[st_marys:st_marys|St Marys Boulder]] * [[ponderosa:ponderosa|Ponderosa]] * [[darnall:darnall|Darnall]] * [[osgathorpe:osgathorpe|Osgathorpe Park, Fir Vale]] * [[green_oaks:green_oaks|Green Oaks Park]] * [[richmond:richmond|Richmond Park]] * [[endcliffe:endcliffe|Endcliffe Park]] * [[langsett:langsett|Langsett Crescent Park]] * [[queen_mary:queen_mary|Queen Mary Road Park]] * [[broomgrove_road:broomgrove_road|Broomgrove Road Wall]] * [[lichfield:lichfield|Lichfield Road Boulder, Newfield Green]] Pictures of some of these boulders being constructed can be viewed [here](https://www.flickr.com/photos/89172865@N07/sets/72157638286669146/). [Google Maps Link](https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1an_Fj9sPzoo10LL3v9HKoqzV5Mk&ll=53.35884482553055%2C-1.468116499999951&z=12) ===== Safety ===== You should probably read the [[https://www.thebmc.co.uk/risk-and-safety|BMC Risk and Safety]] article if you've never bouldered or climbed before. You probably wouldn't die, but could hurt yourself on these boulders. To this end some people bring their bouldering pads with them which makes sense since you're bouldering. [[http://www.climbing.com/skill/spot-on/|Effective spotting]] is pretty handy too and a good place to practice. Unfortunately some of the boulders suffer from broken glass and rocks being thrown at them so you might want to check and brush out pockets and clear the ground around where you might come off or put your pad down. ===== Contributing ===== You must be a registered member to edit the wiki (this is to reduce spam / unwanted editing). For now please email with your desired username to obtain an account. Please read the following pages if you wish to contribute to the problems that are documented. If you are not familiar with [[doku>Dokuwiki]] you may find it useful to have the [[doku>wiki:syntax|syntax]] page open in another Tab, although we use the [Markdowku](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:markdowku) plugin so you can write your entries in [Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org) (more people are familiar with this compared to the Dokuwiki syntax). * [[editing:new_problems|Recording New Problems]] * [[editing:new_boulders|Documenting New Boulders]] * [[editing:image_hosting|Image Hosting]] ===== Other Venues ===== Sheffield lies east of The Peak District and as such there are a number of crags that are easy to get to, some are even within the city boundaries such as Bell Hagg, Rivelin and technically Burbage Valley. If you are interested in exploring these there is an excellent guide book from Vertebrate Publishing [Peak District Bouldering](https://www.v-publishing.co.uk/books/categories/climbing/peak-district-bouldering.html).[PeakBouldering.info](https://peakbouldering.info) where the [Burbage North Kids Circuit](http://peakbouldering.info/areas/1-eastern-grit/crags/184-burbage-north-kids-circuit) is documented was a brilliant resource. Unfortunately it is no longer maintained and the site is owned by someone who wants to direct you to Yosemite instead. Fortunately the amazing [archive.org](https://www.archive.org) has snapshots, the last useful one was taken [2022-08-15 02:51:30](https://web.archive.org/web/20220815025130/http://peakbouldering.info/), it's not perfect but should be useful/use-able. ===== Credits ===== The crest of a sheep and rabbit used as a logo on this site was drawn by [[http://ukbouldering.com/board/|UKBoudlering.com]] user [[http://ukbouldering.com/board/index.php?action=profile;u=1430|richdraws]] and was originally designed for use on a [[http://ukbouldering.com/board/index.php/topic,9103.msg|t-shirt]]. This site is administered and maintained by [[mailto:sheffieldboulder.uk@gmail.com|sheffieldboulder.uk@gmail.com]] but its contents are a community effort and the information within these pages is licensed under the [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/|CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International]] License. {{paypal>https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=JJPEQT6AQJ3J8&source=url}}