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In order to remain consistent and keep the site tidy it would be very much appreciated if the existing style/structure for documenting problems is adhered to. To this end this page distills down the required DokuWiki Syntax required to do this so you don't have to become hugely knowledgeable in the required Syntax.

Documenting your Problem

Whilst it is possible to sit in the comfort of your own home and look at the topos and identify the holds you used and enter them to the Wiki this is not ideal since the pictures, whilst of high resolution, do not show all of the detail and its possible that a hold you used isn't numbered or that you get the wrong hold whilst looking at the topo without the boulder in front of you.

To this end it is recommended that you either print a copy of the topo you wish to add to with the numbers already on it and take it to the crag, or if you've a smart phone that you open the website whilst there and view the topo directly and then write down your sequence.

The convention used in this Wiki is to only document the hand holds that a problem uses by writing L or R to indicate which hand, followed by the numbered hold that is to be used. These are then listed in the order in which you climb.

Please only document problems that you have actually climbed. Projects are your own and can be written up once done.

Adding your Problem to the Wiki

Once you've written down your problem using the above method you can add it to the Wiki. Navigate to the page where the boulder face is documented.

  • Find the table in the Problems section.
  • Click on the Edit button at the bottom right underneath the table.
  • In the editing window that appears go to the very bottom of the text and start a new line.
  • Make your entry listing the Name, Sequence, FA (First Ascent) and Date, separating each field with |. So if you did a problem you want to call My Hard Problem that has the sequence L3 R6 L14 R26 L19 L+R34 Top Out and you wish to record your name as A.N.Other and the date as 2015-04-16 you would write
| My Hard Problem | L3 R6 L14 R26 L19 L+R34 Top Out | A.N.Other| 2015-04-16 |
  • Enter a summary of your edit, this should be simple such as Adding My Hard Problem.
  • Click the Preview button to check your new entry looks ok.
  • If your entry looks fine click the Save button.
  • The above example would produce the following row.
My Hard Problem L3 R6 L14 R26 L19 L+R34 Top Out A.N.Other 2015-04-16

I would like to include extra information

If there is something specific you would like to include in the problem description then please write it in brackets after you have described the hand sequence. This keeps things simple as it avoids having to have an additional column in the table. For example if a problem requires you to stick to one specific side of a corner and excludes bridging you would write…

| My Hard Problem | L3 R6 L14 R26 L19 L+R34 Top Out (No Bridging) | A.N.Other| 2015-04-16 |
My Hard Problem L3 R6 L14 R26 L19 L+R34 Top Out (No Bridging) A.N.Other 2015-04-16

My problem covers ground that includes two sets of numbers

Because of the unwieldly nature of having large numbers on topos (i.e. they cover the face where you want to be able to see the holds) the topos have been created using numbers that are all <100 and where possible keeping one colour for each face/feature. Where problems cross from one set of coloured numbers to another set it should be fairly obvious since there will be a sudden jump up/down in the numbering used. Regardless it is possible to list the colour of the hold you are referring to by number in brackets afterwards for example…

| My Hard Problem | L3 R6 L14(Blue) R26(Orange) L19 L+R34 Top Out (No Bridging) | A.N.Other| 2015-04-16 |
My Hard Problem L3 R6 L14(Blue) R26(Orange) L19 L+R34 Top Out (No Bridging) A.N.Other 2015-04-16

Why isn't this hold numbered?

In some instances you might find that a hold you are using is not listed on the topo. Unfortunately this is one of the limitations of this sort of topo, there isn't enough space to have everything numbered in legible size fonts. A solution is to use the nearest number and describe the hold that should be used, for example if a crimp is to be used as a Gaston then you could write…

| My Hard Problem | L3 R6 L14 R26 L19 (Crimp/Gaston) L+R34 Top Out | A.N.Other| 2015-04-16 |
My Hard Problem L3 R6 L14 R26 L19 (Crimp/Gaston) L+R34 Top Out A.N.Other 2015-04-16

A note on dates

Please record your date in ISO8601 Format which is simply YYYY-MM-DD. These are unambiguous and avoid the confusion between the UK and US formats which have months and days preceding the year but in different orders.

editing/new_problems.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/20 19:58 by